As many of you know my love for Boston runs just as deep as my love for lattes. Whenever I need to just get out of CT, I always gravitate towards Boston. Maybe it’s because my parents always took my siblings & I there during the New England summers, something about Boston allows me to rediscover my creativity.
The city is truly packed in with history and fun things to do; between Red Sox games & grabbing clam chowder in a bread bowl at Faneuil Hall (my favorite), Boston has always been one of my favorite places.
So when I decide to design New England based coffee mugs, I had to design one for my favorite city. It was sooooo hard, deciding on just one design for Boston, because honestly, there is soooooooo many ways you can take it!
You could focus on one area like Newbury or Beacon Hill, or you could focus on the historical factors of Boston & then it hit me…..
Beantown duh, we are talking about a coffee mug after all. I spent a longggg time getting this design perfect, & I was so proud to launch it! I’m honestly sooooo lucky to be able to wake up every morning and read all your amazing comments & thoughts. I love each and every TCC reader, you are all amazing & most of you run blogs that I love reading.
Soooo your opinion is important to me & I want to know, what mug do you want to see next. I’m working on summer designs and would love to hear your thoughts! I’ve created a poll below so you can vote! Leave any suggestions in the comments, I love reading them :)!
[poll id=”3″]
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Love everything about these pictures! Coffee looks amazing
I may have to take a trip all the way to Boston to have one lol
Xo Raina
Beautiful mug! I love the simplicity of it!